O'Devaney Gardens, Dublin 7

Contract Value: €310,000

Client:Dublin City Council, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8

Project Engineer: Downes Associates, Cashel Road, Kimmage, Dublin 12

The contract involved the demolition of 4 blocks of apartments over 2 different phases, this was to enable the regeneration of the area and the immediate construction of new residential units. Each apartment block consisted of 22 flats in a 4-story complex. 

There was a larger amount of lead-based paint and ACM in a number of flat’s so this had to be removed prior to the main structural demolished. During the demolition we had to set up a larger dust suppression system because of the proximity to a local estate. When the demolition and foundation removal was completed part of the site was landscape local use

O'Devaney Gardens, Dublin 7